KALEIDOSKOOPPI-Creativity and Cultural Innovations in Maritime and Metal Industry (01.03.2011- 31.12.2013)
Kaleidoskooppi Project aims to create an innovation network between Maritime Industry, Higher Education and Regional Development Centers to enable building new type of innovation environments.
On one hand, project focuses on researching and evaluating both industrial and cultural working methods and models aiming to find out whether the cultural working methods would be suitable for traditional industry field’s operations and so to increase and intensify the innovation functions. On the other hand, it aims to create new income potentials for the Creative Sector.
Workshops, seminars and research are made to explore and evaluate the best practices for innovation work. Project Producer works as a facilitator to create innovation platforms between the entrepreneurs, students and other operators in the project and guides participants forward in the development work.
The project combines diversified knowledge and creates possibilities to find new applications, technology and practices by the Producer Activity and piloting. Annual Kaleidoskooppi-competition for students is designed and piloted during the project. Competition will enable the continuity of the created innovation platforms and environments.
Kaleidoskooppi is part of the ESF-funded Innovation and Knowledge-Based System Program launched by Ministry of Education and Culture. The funding has been granted by North Ostrobothnian Center for Economic Development, Transport and Environment.
The project is led by HUMAK University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Aalto University, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Machine Technology Center Turku Ltd, Tampere University of Technology and Turku University of Applied Sciences.
Producer in the Interface of the Creative Sector and Industry
The structural
change in the economy has recently been strongly perceptible as the downturn in
the Finnish maritime and metal industry.
Novel products, improved procedures and new extensions for the branch of
business are considered to improve the competitiveness of the industry. Cross-sectorial co-creation is seen as the
tool for finding fresh viewpoints and new ideas, but the communication between
the two sectors is challenging, due to lack of encounter to say nothing of
exchanging knowhow. A cultural producer
can find the nodal points, where co-operation is possible, and integrate the
Kaleidoskooppi project develops creativity and cultural innovations in the
maritime and metal industry with the help of a producer, who facilitates
co-operation. In addition to searching
innovative solutions for the industry, the aim for the research is also to find
nontraditional target areas for the mediator and test the functionality of the new
blueprint in practice.
The maritime
industry has long sought to co-operate with the creative sector to enhance its
expression and to lift its profile. Now
the growing need for the co-operation is more profound in developing the
processes, but many of the important bottlenecks and the potential solutions
can easily escape observing from inside the company. A detached cultural
producer – without visual obstacles developed by experience – can notice even
the hidden possibilities. The producer’s mission is to find the needs for
development in the industry, the opportunities to apply creative expertise and
to activate new pilot projects.
The producer
plays many roles at the same time: s/he is an agent, who knows the potential
market areas and can promote the knowhow of both parties; an innovation
engineer, who designs the technical execution, a catalyst that gives a push for
co-operation; and a project manager, who coordinates the networks and leads the