keskiviikko 26. syyskuuta 2012
torstai 20. syyskuuta 2012
Building Blocks On the Sea - Developing Further a New Innovation
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Picture 1.
Some spreads from my finalised thesis book.
article is a designer’s point of view from the Cruise and Ferry program’s
Triad-project introduced by Yali Wu some weeks ago in this blog.
and adjustability seem to be hot topics in contemporary manufacturing world. Whether
it is about car design, housing industry or even shipbuilding investors want to
see their investment to meet the changing needs and wants of the customers.
When talking about such a great investment as a cruise ship, the fast
adjustability to changing preferences is of a great importance. I had a chance,
as a designer, to play with the thought of having this kind of new modular cruise
ship in contemporary environment and imagine the way it could be used and by
talking about change and adjustability the first big question is the timeframe.
The terms “fast” and “slow” are very relative when it comes to cruise industry
and depend on the perspective; from the marine architecture point of view
general change in shipbuilding might take several years before accepted but
from interior design’s point of view change has to be done in days – the more
the ship is out of service the more expensive the change will be. It goes
without saying that the scale of change in these two points of view is
completely different and reflects the timeframe we are talking about.
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Picture 2. Different options for frequency of changing the modules. These options were shown to the interviewees to choose the most suitable one for the final scenario. |
My research
started from understanding the need for change and defining boundaries for it.
By interviewing several professionals in the marine industry from shipyards,
shipping companies, modular cabin element company, shipping container company
and, as a wild card, exhibition centre I gained an understanding of the variety
of changes that could be possible and at the same time the most preferred
timeframe for change. At the same time I heard the professionals’ opinion for
how long the change of one macro module would be.
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Picture 3.
To understand the system and structure of the new vessel it was necessary to
model it in 3D and test how the modules with different functions could be
operation helped me to sketch out a scenario for how the operation of this kind
of new cruise ship could look like, who would be involved in the process and
how the new innovation is linked to the real cruise industry of today. The main
objective for the whole research was to show to the different actors of the
cruise industry that the interchangeable macro module innovation could work
even today making it possible for them to decide if they are interested in continuing
further the research and development of the innovation.
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Picture 4. The change structure break down diagram shows all the actors involved in the operation of the new cruise ships and their actions during the different stages of the cruise ship’s journey. |
the research became the basis for my master’s thesis that can be found Aalto
University’s internet page as well as from my blog:
perjantai 7. syyskuuta 2012
Teollisen luovuuden polku -seminaari Noormarkussa 25.9.2012
25.9.2012 klo 14
A. Ahlströmin Klubi, Laviantie 22, Noormarkku
Tampereen Teknillisen Yliopiston Porin yksikkö ja Kaleidoskooppi-hanke kutsuvat meri- ja metalliteollisuuden yritykset, opiskelijat sekä asiantuntijat tutustumaan monialaisen luovan asiantuntijayhteistyön mahdollisuuksiin teollisuudessa.
Seminaarin pääpuhujana toimii projektipäällikkö, DI Jari Jussila, joka johdattaa kuulijat käytännön esimerkein sosiaalisen median luoviin käyttömahdollisuuksiin teollisuudessa. Samalla pääset tutustumaan suomalaisen, luovien ja teknisten alojen asiantuntijuutta yhdistävän monialayrityksen historiaan ja kehitykseen A. Ahlström Oy:n Voyage-näyttelyssä, sekä design-teollisuuden helmiin Villa Maireassa.
Kutsua saa välittää edelleen tilaisuudesta kiinnostuneille. Huomioithan, että näyttelyiden tilarajoitteiden vuoksi osallistujamäärää on rajoitettu.
Ilmoittautumiset 14.9. mennessä
Kaleidoskooppi-hankkeen blogi:
13.15 Bussikuljetus Porin Yliopistokeskukselta Noormarkkuun
13.45 Kahvitarjoilu Noormarkun Klubilla
14.00 Seminaarin avaus ja Kaleidoskooppi-hankkeen esittely
Elina Pettersson ja Lan Le, Kaleidoskooppi-hanke
Elina Pettersson ja Lan Le, Kaleidoskooppi-hanke
14.10 Näyttelykierrokset
Voyage, ryhmä 1
Villa Mairea, ryhmä 2
Voyage, ryhmä 1
Villa Mairea, ryhmä 2
15.00 Sosiaalisen median luova hyödyntäminen teollisuudessa
Jari Jussila, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, SOITA-hanke
Jari Jussila, Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto, SOITA-hanke
16.00 Näyttelykierrokset
Voyage, ryhmä 2
Villa Mairea, ryhmä 1
Voyage, ryhmä 2
Villa Mairea, ryhmä 1
17.00 Seminaarin päätös
Bussikuljetus Noormarkusta Porin Yliopistokeskukselle
Jari Jussila on taustaltaan IT-alan ammattilainen, toiminut vuodesta 2003 lähtien yrittäjänä ja 4 vuotta Yoso Services Oy:n toimitusjohtajana. Tutkijan ura alkoi Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston Porin yksikössä vuonna 2007 FLEXI-hankkeen parissa, jossa kehitettiin Euroopan ohjelmistointensiivisen teollisuuden kilpailukykyä luomalla joustavia, nopeita ja ketteriä lähestymistapoja tuotekehitykseen.
Nykyisin Jari toimii projektipäällikkönä Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston (TTY) tiedonhallinnan ja logistiikan laitoksella Tekesin rahoittamassa sosiaalisen median SOITA-hankkeessa (Sosiaalinen media innovaatioprosessiin tukena asiakasrajapinnassa).
Lataa kutsu PDF-tiedostona täältä.
tiistai 4. syyskuuta 2012
About social interaction in passenger ships –Economic perspective in multidisciplinary research project conducted in Kaleidoskooppi and Cruise & Ferry Experience Program
interaction is part of our everyday lives. Nowadays we even use social medias,
smartphones and many other devices to connect with other people without being
physically at a same place. However the importance of social interaction
especially accentuated when you are in an environment, where there are other
people present physically. In the cruise ships, this is usually the case;
people are spending their time in a liminal space where there are many other
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Figure: Social interaction in simpleton form. (From: |
the social interaction in the cruise ship context has become a rising topic of
research. However the amount of studies is still quite small, when compared to
other more matured research fields, such as shipbuilding, consumer behaviour
and logistics, just to mention few. Thus the social
interaction was deemed to be an interesting research subject.
Our project team
& Ferry Experience program unites technology, economics and art &
design in an innovative way to produce more comprehensive views on issues
related to the cruise ship and ferry industries. As you can commonly see from
your everyday lives, companies rarely work solely based on one specific
scientific area: Design offices hire programmers to deliver together products
and services to their customers. Logistics companies need people who understand
technology as well as economics to optimise their services. Cruise lines
employs shipbuilders, designers and economists to produce superior solutions
and ships for the existing as well as future customers. It is then never enough
to just employ one science area to solve a problem in contemporary world, where
everything is intertwined with each other.
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Figure: The Cruise & Ferry program structure. (From program website: |
project our group set out to explore was the innovative modular cruise ship
concept, the m2cell-concept made by Kauppi (2012)*. Oliver, our engineer
studied on the possibilities of building a narrow superstructure. Vesa, our
designer brought the concept to contemporary environment and defined a
framework for the realisation of the m2cell-concept. I as an economics student
investigated the possible customer groups for the m2cell-concept and their
preferences on spaces. Together, our researches provides a more detailed view
on the possibilities that m2cell-concept can offer.
*Kauppi, A. 2012. m²cell concept -an interchangeable module
system for cruise ship hotel space. Aalto University School of Arts, Design
and Architecture. Helsinki. (Thesis can be founded from the Cruise & Ferry
Experience web pages research section)
*Wu, Y. 2012. Motivation, social interaction and space
experience of individuals in group travel –Case m2cell-concept. Aalto
University School of Economics. Helsinki. (Entire thesis will be attached in to
the Cruise & Ferry Experience web pages research section in February 2013)
The research process
the beginning of the research project, two of us did not have much experience
about the cruise ships in question, unless you include the ferries that go from
Helsinki to near places. Therefore we went on an expedition. One reason for
that is to widen our views and familiarise with the current cruise ships in use.
Another cause was to gain experiences and knowledge not available otherwise,
which included observations and interviews with the workers and managers on
board the cruise ship.
cruise trip was very fruitful and interesting, too. We gathered some materials
needed for our researches and the environment sparked off some new ideas on
what could and/or should be done to improve the overall experience of being on
a cruise ship. An additional plus was the possibilities of getting know the
other team members better. This was especially helpful when we progressed
further with our researches and if problems started to arise. In the end of the
cruise trip, we made a report that encased our dairies as well as some
course we also did other researches too. Together with Vesa, we did many expert
interviews with persons from key industries, which were mainly related to the
cruise industry. By myself, I conducted some expert interviews with the experts
from fields related more to my subject. Also I conducted five focus group
interviews to gain precious insights on people’s motivations and preferences
regarding the space. Secondary information sources were used frequently, too. The
data collected were then applied to the m2cell-concept.
Main results from the research
research area was the three different user groups and their space indications
on the m2cell-concept. The groups were chosen based on CLIA’s latest market
update in 2012 and the average size of the groups. Since the travel is usually
an event, the commonly used words for the people within these groups were event
participants. Additionally the group is usually called event group or just
event. The events are then following: family friends travel, incentives and
focus group interviews were used to generate the results, which focused on the
motivation, social interaction and space preferences of event participants. In
the end of the research, a connection is found between the three areas, as demonstrated
in the graph.
on the interviews, it would seem that a pivotal factor common for all three
events was the social interaction. Socialising needs were often mentioned as an
important motivation factor for participants to consider attending the event.
The relationship forming was also deemed as one of the main reasons for
initiating the process of participation. Additionally the preferences
influenced by the socialisation requirements differed depending on the type of
the event.
family friends travel, spaces for
group’s use was not as preferred as in other two. According to the
interviewees, the amount of variety
was rather the main issue influencing their satisfaction. However the interaction is still one of the most
important factors interviewees mentioned for this event. Though specific places
were not favoured, semi-private and private services were desired. In other
words, the family friends wished for varying amount of services from which they
can choose. Furthermore, these services should incorporate spaces that can be
more private for the groups. Nevertheless, the cultural preferences can cause some
implications on the spaces, as in China the crowd is sometimes more preferred,
whereas in Western countries one’s own space is usually more desired.
incentives the newness and group integrity was important aspects for the event.
Newness would mean that the cruise ships should include or at least provide
access to services that are novel for the group. In addition to the group
events, the socialising needs also imply that common areas should be built for
the groups. More clearly, the interviewees desired some nice places where the
interaction could happen. However in incentives, the view on these opinions
were not united. It could partially due to the nature of incentives in
different cultures, which usually involves some features of compel. Also the novelty
is not much deployed in these events. If well devised, the cruise lines could
utilise this market niche and provide superior solutions for the incentive
conferences, the participants concentrate more on the networking and discussing activities. This would mean that infrastructure
should be built to around the socialising needs in the conferences. The view on
the factors was very uniform, which on one hand suggests that the practice is
quite standardised, but on other hand provides basis for finding new innovative
solutions to realise the needs and even explore yet unidentified needs. Overall
it would seem sensible to provide private spaces within the conferences for the
participants to have conversations and to interact with each other. However
this should be done so that it would not influence the experience of other
passengers outside the conferences, which would be another challenge.
the research was relatively large and scientifically interesting, I am
currently writing a Master’s Thesis based on the research findings. In the
thesis, I’ll try to provide yet deeper view with some theoretical background as
well as further managerial implications for the cruise lines. All in all, it
have been very joyful and productive to research with our team and within the
Cruise & Ferry Experience. Hopefully life won’t become empty now that our
research project has come to an end.
for all the people who have assisted, participated and contributed to our
works! Wish you all the best!
Monialaisuudesta lisäpotkua opintoihin ja tutkimuksiin
Tuoreimmassa Uusi Insinööri-lehdessä haastateltiin Kaleidoskooppiin liittyen tuotantotalouden insinööriopiskelijaa Kim Gröhniä sekä Aalto Yliopiston Cruise & Ferries-ohjelman Markus Aholaa. Gröhn osallistui keväällä Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun järjestämään opiskelijoiden monialaiseen Kaleidoskooppi-työpajaan. Ahola puolestaan veti MoA'12-näyttelyn yhteydessä meriteollisuuden edustajille Safety Experience-työpajaa yhyteistyössä Kaleidoskoopin kanssa. Klikkaamalla kuvia saat suurennettua tekstit. Voit myös lukea alkuperäistä näköislehteä täältä!
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